Alaska CLE - Finance and Banking Courses

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Alaska CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • "Sweat Equity" in Small Businesses and Venture Startups: The Legal and Tax Issues

    Issuing shares that are (nearly) tax-free is relatively simple when a small business or start-up first launches. When a shareholder or LLC member receives “sweat equity” or shares in exchange for labor, the tax and legal issues become a bit more complicated. This entertaining, fast-paced CLE course will explain the issues of treating “sweat equity” workers as regular employees as opposed to independent contractors, as well as explain the use of restricted stock, options, warrants and o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Guide to Ethical Billing Practices and Retainer Agreements

    Retainer agreements and billing systems have evolved. And courts and disciplinary committees have taken notice. Today, Judges are more inclined to write down legal fees, and disciplinary authorities are questioning lawyers whose agreements and bills violate the rules. A sound retainer agreement and clear bills can contribute to a healthy client relationship. How to tighten up your retainers and bills to ensure smooth payment and keep client relationships in tact? Join Frankfurt Kurnit ethics... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • A Search for Perfection: Fundamentals of UCC Article 9

    The complexity of Article 9 of the UCC’s technical rules for secured transactions can be a challenge. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of the major concepts that attorneys need to know about Article 9. The course offers a practical approach which outlines the fundamental issues from defining secured transactions to potential remedies for default. The course will also review the various perfections of security interests and priority issues and rules. More Info

    1General Credit
  • ABC's of Selling or Buying a Privately Owned Business

    Whether you’re a seasoned M&A or a general attorney, the general practices of small company sale transactions may be relevant in a wide variety of cases. This CLE course will explain the three major stages of the process of buying or selling privately held businesses include issues related to pre-contract considerations, the actual sales contract and closing and post-closing concerns. More Info

    2.25General Credits
  • Accommodating Non-U.S. Investors: Structuring Real Estate and Other Fund Investments to Minimize U.S. Tax Impacts

    This CLE course will explain the process by which both hedge funds and private equity funds may minimize the tax burden for non-US investors. Presented by Michelle Itri and David Schulder, tax attorneys at Tannenbaum Helbern as well as RSM US LLP’s International Tax Principal Max Strimber, the course will focus on legal avenues to avoid US tax filing obligations on what is called effectively connected income. The term typically applies to an investment made by a non-US citizen in US real estate,... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Accounting Principles for Attorneys: What Every Lawyer Needs to Know

    The drafting of documents and generating of reports should be second nature to those in the legal profession. But in the realm of accounting, lawyers may find themselves completely over their heads. This CLE course explores the various accounting principles and standards every lawyer must know. The course describes the various organizations involved in setting the standards, how to create a balance sheet, arrange a corporate capital structure, present an income statement and a statement of cas... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Advertising Compliance Bootcamp: Select Topics

    This CLE course will address the issues of content violations, disclosure and performance standards of SEC Rules. The course will also explain the current standards for variable insurance product communications, and offer expert guidance as they relate to options communications, rankings presentations, and the fundamental concepts of digital communications such as social media. The course will ensure you understand how to comply with FINRA Rule 2210’s content standards and can apply th... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Advertising Compliance: Fundamentals of FINRA Rule 2210

    Whether you are new to FINRA’s advertising rules or an experienced practitioner looking for a refresher course, this informative CLE course, presented by a panel of FINRA professionals, offers a comprehensive overview of FINRA’s Communications With the Public rule. The course will include filing requirements, content standards, internal approval and supervision. Course panelists answer questions about the rules that apply to financial services communications and marketing materials and... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Alternative Investments and Complex Products

    Alternative investments and complex products have changed dramatically over the past few years. This CLE course will explain why it’s important to understand product features, characteristics and particularly their supervisory challenges. The course will explain the latest regulatory developments which are relevant to these complex products and alternative investments as well as the due diligence requirements and industry practices when recommending REIT securities and private placemen... More Info

    0.75General Credit
  • An Introduction to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Basics

    This CLE course will provide an introductory overview of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. The course will offer a comprehensive review of the basics of preparing a petition, the client intake and evaluation process, the importance of asset investigation and the various pitfalls to watch out for. Common issues that arise both before and during the process will also be discussed. More Info

    1General Credit
Decorative Arc

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