Arkansas CLE - All Courses

This is a listing of CLE Courses for Arkansas. Please make your selection below of Arkansas CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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Arkansas CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an accredited CLE sponsor in Arkansas, approved by the Arkansas Continuing Legal Education Board. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • "Oh The Places We'll Go": Mediating With An Open Mind While Managing Expectations

    Mediation/dispute resolution is a complex, challenging area of law. This CLE course will explain the mechanics of mediation and dispute resolution as well as address the various myths about the process. The course will attempt to advise participants on how to minimize reluctance to participation and the transparency it requires. The effectiveness of mediation in enabling parties to identify their ability to resolve conflicts, save significant litigation costs and grow both personally a... More Info

    1General Credit
  • "Sweat Equity" in Small Businesses and Venture Startups: The Legal and Tax Issues

    Issuing shares that are (nearly) tax-free is relatively simple when a small business or start-up first launches. When a shareholder or LLC member receives “sweat equity” or shares in exchange for labor, the tax and legal issues become a bit more complicated. This entertaining, fast-paced CLE course will explain the issues of treating “sweat equity” workers as regular employees as opposed to independent contractors, as well as explain the use of restricted stock, options, warrants and o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • 10 Clauses Fiduciaries Hate

    Drafting a trust document requires specific skills. Practitioners who draft trust documents don’t always consider that certain terms or language can make it very hard for the fiduciaries who are trying to enforce the grantor’s wishes. Undefined terms, conflicting passages or simple lack of clarity can cause serious complications. This CLE course will discuss these clauses and offer some ideas for fixes that can be incorporated into these problem provisions. More Info

    1General Credit
  • 10 Key Practical Issues when Reviewing and Drafting Commercial Office Leases

    Commercial leases may differ from residential ones in a variety of ways, and each has its own set of considerations. Attorneys guiding clients in commercial lease contracts have to account not only for the deal they make now, but how that deal will play out in the long term. This informative CLE course will review everything an attorney needs to know including his unique role in the transaction, space considerations relative to leasing and rent, how to construct term sheets, security and utili... More Info

    1General Credit
  • 25 is the New 18: Protecting Emerging Adult Clients

    The Maryland Office of the Public Defender has initiated a pilot project to develop a specialized unit for the purpose of representing “emerging adult” clients. This innovative project focuses on 18-25 year olds who tend to be over-represented in our prisons and criminal legal system despite indications from scientific research which presents them as more capable of growth and change, less culpable and still maturing neurologically. More recent research indicates that the emerging-adult prison... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Beginners Guide to Motion Practice

    This comprehensive CLE course is designed for new attorneys as an introduction to Civil and Special Civil motion practice. The course will primarily focus on the three most common types of motions including: 1) Summary Judgment Motions 2) Various Discovery Motions 3) Motions to dismiss/Post judgment motions. The course will explain the process for implementing a motion practice strategy and its usefulness in providing the attorney with the direction and purpose o... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Corporate Counsel Song and Dance: Keeping your Corporation in Tune and Out of Court

    The notion of copyright seems almost antiquated in the modern world. How does one reinforce ownership over anything when almost everything can be copied and shared at the push of a button? This CLE course will explain the various challenges that attorneys regularly confront when counseling corporations as well as how to respond to them. The course will primarily focus on issues related to the music industry but the central principles are applicable to all forms of copyrighted material. More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Guide To Navigating The Maze Of New York City Zoning And Land Use

    Zoning and land-use are typically complex areas, and in New York City even more so. This CLE course will offer a detailed introduction to zoning and land use with a focus on New York City. The course will include discussions of the use, bulk and parking regulations of the Zoning Resolution, as well as present issues such as the transfer of "air rights", mandatory affordable housing, and continuation of non-conforming uses and discretionary approvals, including re-zoning special permits... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Musical Playlist for Successful Motion Writing

    Writing a motion need not be a chore. In fact, when done in the right frame of mind, it can even be enjoyable. This CLE course will take you through a musical playlist that corresponds to tips, strategies and rules for persuasive motions that are as inspiring for the listener as they are for the writer who is drafting. The course will explain specific standards for any type of motion as well as strategies to employ for your Notice of Motion and Affirmation and Memorandum of Law. The co... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Primer of Florida Defamation Law: Issues and Pitfalls

    There are many nuances to Florida Defamation Law. This CLE course will explain those nuances with a specific focus on identifying viable cases, the value of those cases and the work that must be done in order to overcome the litigation issues that are unique to Florida Law Defamation cases. The course will explain the many elements of defamation, defense options, statute of limitations and special media defendants. The status of contemporary case law and how courts are determining the relation... More Info

    1General Credit
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