Florida CLE - Litigation Courses

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Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a Florida Bar Accredited CLE Sponsor (CLE Sponsor # 0185716). To view our full accreditation details please .

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Litigation Courses

  • Federal Civil Procedure: Practicing Tips for Federal Litigation

    The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure seem overwhelming. This CLE course will arm you with the knowledge you need to navigate federal civil litigation and walk into a federal courtroom with confidence. Whether your experience is limited, or you just need to brush up, this CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of the critical stages of FRCP including removal and jurisdiction, discovery, pleadings, evidentiary and pre-trial issues. The course will offer strategic insight into the... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Survival Of The Fit in Criminal Lit

    Success in litigation is a matter of experience and action. This CLE course will reveal the keys to successful litigation. Led by a seasoned attorney with over 40 years of experience, the course will offer practical insights, actionable steps and strategies to help you navigate criminal litigation. More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Intellectual Warfare: An In-House Counsel's Guide to Bringing and Defending Against Intellectual Property Lawsuits

    Intellectual Property (IP) is a valuable asset for an organization. This informative CLE course will explain how to identify and utilize an IP to further business goals. The course will explain the types of IP’s that exist, the associated costs with obtaining and maintaining the various types of IP's, costs of IP acquisition, negotiation strategies, licensing, enforcement issues and defensive actions when faced with another’s IP. The course aims to impart wisdom in the IP space as well... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • ON STRIKE! The Law of Labor Conflict

    The rise of union organizing and strikes across industries is occurring against a backdrop of changes in recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board as well as an evolution in the workplace. While federal laws have remained stagnant, there is no question that traditional union activity is changing. This CLE course will examine the basic provisions of the National Labor Relations Act as well as its amendments which relate to labor strikes, boycotts, picketing and other protes... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • The Yellow Brick Road of a PERM Case

    PERM cases are complex and filled with potential pitfalls. One single typo can destroy an entire case. This CLE course will review the lengthy process of fulfilling the many regulatory standards as well as necessary evidence for a successful PERM case. The course will review the steps involved beginning with how to develop a case strategy to qualification verification and the Prevailing Wage Determination. The course will review the process through recruitment and filing. More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • ChatGPT and Related Products: The Legal Ramifications

    The rise in capability of Artificial Intelligence products has drastically altered the legal industry. This CLE course will explain the consequences of this trend with a discussion of current AI products, such as ChatGPT and how they operate. The course will then move forward to its impact on several legal issues including patents, copyright, trade secrets, contracts, and confidential information as well as an exploration of best practices in AI. More Info

    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Negotiating the Serious and Catastrophic Injury Case

    This CLE course, presented by highly experienced trial and litigation specialists, will address the negotiation and preparation for catastrophic injury cases. The cases presented will require sophisticated, organized preparation and must address essential questions such as how to utilize medical personnel who worked on the case, their purpose in negotiating the case and the other experts needed to address the damages claim. The course will also present negotiations for future d... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Jury Selection: Mastering the Challenges and Pitfalls

    Jury selection is an art and picking the right jury can mean the difference between success and failure. How do you find the right juror for your case? What information is important to get from potential jurors? The course will address these issues as well as juror eligibility, tips for bonding with jurors, strategies for determining who to keep and who to strike, and how to get jurors to impart the information you need. The course will explain how to create and make use of questionnai... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • AI, Fair Use, and Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    Even the comic book industry has rules and the past year has seen some seismic legal changes in the industry. This CLE course will present the recent growth of the comic book industry as well as how AI-generated artwork has impacted it, both for good and for bad. The course will offer a comprehensive guide to representing comic book clients, explaining how to approach the drafting of contracts while avoiding IP pitfalls and discuss the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsm... More Info

    3.5Total Credits
    1.5 Tech
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • The Five Rules: How to Prepare Your Client for Deposition

    Depositions are a critical component of any case. This CLE course will present a Five Rule System, devised by the presenter and in use for over 25 years to prepare everyone from executives to professional athletes to children, which will transform your client into a solid, strong, successful witness. The system helps to prepare every client from the nervous to the over-confident to the unlikeable. Presented in an entertaining and memorable style, the course will provide you with everyt... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Employment Law Issues in Telework Environments

    The phenomenon of remote work didn’t begin with COVID-19, but the virus did bring it into the foreground as a key battleground between employers and employees. Today, as employees fight to work from home either full-time or hybrid, employers are stuck between retaining talent and the extent to which they are willing to offer flexible solutions. This CLE course will explain the employment law issues that arise for employers for remote workers, both full-time and hybrid. The course will... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Sexual Harassment, “Me Too” Allegations, and Settlement Agreements: A Necessary Perspective for Counsel

    This interactive CLE course will present the various issues surrounding sexual harassment, and employee training that counsel is required to advise their clients on. The course will delineate what constitutes sexual harassment under federal law and what companies need to regulate as well as the how to assess the potential costs and risks of litigation as well as the merits of a specific case. More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Ethics in Debt Collection Law

    This CLE course will explain the ethical and liability traps that attorneys are subject to for those collecting and prosecuting consumer debts under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). This course will explain the most common rules of professional responsibility that typically result in liability under the FDCPA. Presented by defense counsel with over 30 years of experience defending law firms against FDCPA allegations, the course will present the best approaches to avoidin... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Discovery, Evidence, and Motion Practice Under Section 1983 Police Liability

    A successful police misconduct practice under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 has three main issues at its core: 1) Discovery: This includes what law enforcement files are kept, a checklist of which ones should be requested by the plaintiff (including incident reports and investigations, officer personnel files, and Monell custom and policy related files) 2) Evidence: including 15 evidentiary issues, the admissibility of previous contact the plaintiff had with the police, prior officer discip... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Negotiating and Settling Tort Cases: Reaching a Solution

    Civil injury and insurance cases can be complicated to negotiate. This CLE course, presented by highly experienced settlement attorneys and negotiators, will outline the 10 most crucial points for successful negotiations. They will also explain the main reasons why settlements aren’t reached. Presenters will conclude with tips and strategies for improving your negotiating skills, and when and how to begin the process. More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Drafting the Bullet Proof Civil RICO Complaint

    Prosecuting civil actions in Federal Court in situations where defendants engaged in criminal or even quasi-criminal behavior can be aided through Civil RICO complaints. Yet many federal judges are wary of Civil RICO cases and respond by creating OSC hearings or check lists to make sure that RICO claims are both legitimate and that they are pled properly. This CLE course will explain how to establish a ROCI complaint that holds up under Rule 12 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Free Speech, Trademarks and Parody at the Crossroads: “Jack Daniels vs Bad Spaniels”

    Do you suspect someone is violating your trademark? What about your copyright or patent? Are you interested in safeguarding your invention through a patent? Is it a priority for your business to clear and register your trademark and copyright? Are you considering a licensing agreement as either a licensor or a licensee? Do you require assistance with your talent agreement? Are you interested in learning how to maximize the value of your Intellectual Property through licensing and merchandising... More Info

    2.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Truck Accident Litigation In a Nutshell

    Truck accident litigation is an important and complex area of law. This CLE course will provide a complete overview of the issue including those covered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, liabilities, statutory employment, and potential defenses in accidents that involve: Trucking company conduct Driver conduct Loading and unloading Intermodal transportation Underride collisions Forklift operations Driver fatigue FAAAA preemption Commercial motor vehicle insurance L... More Info

    2.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Is There Any Evidence For This Evidence: What Experienced Trial Lawyers Must Know About The Evidence Code

    Offering a comprehensive overview as well as practical applications for the Evidence Code under Federal Rules of Evidence this CLE course will address issues of: Scope (preliminary questions, application of rules, admissibility limitations, etc.) Judicial Notice (when courts can assume the veracity of commonly known things) Relevance (what kinds of evidence are deemed relevant and admissible or when relevant evidence may nonetheless not be shown to a jury, etc.) Presumptions (regarding... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

    Conducting a deposition takes skill, experience and training. This CLE course, presented by an esteemed attorney with a track record of winning high figure verdicts in motor vehicle crash cases, will explain how to conduct depositions in all states so that defendants are de facto expert witnesses in a motor vehicle crash case. The course will explain how to establish the negligence of a defendant using the “Holy Trinity” of motor vehicle crashes and how to gain access to legal preceden... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Managing Client Expectations Throughout the Litigation Process

    The litigation process for a claim of non-payment is complex. You want every penny that is due to you, and do not want to settle for less, but to ensure you end up gaining more than you lose, an understanding of the process is critical. This CLE course will explain the professional, personal and psychological skills needed to move forward in this type of litigation to ensure a successful and satisfying resolution. More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Did That Witness Show Up? Hearsay and Confrontation Clause Restrictions and Exceptions in Criminal Prosecutions

    It seems unlikely that a witness to the court would simply not show up, yet it happens often and not everyone knows how to address such an issue. All criminal practitioners, from prosecutors and defense attorneys to judges themselves. Must know how to handle these absences. The area is covered by two types of law which regulate how these cases should be addressed. This CLE course will explain and analyze these rules and how attorneys can use them to advance their cases. More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Skip Tracing for Lawyers

    Located a missing person is sometimes required of attorneys in most areas of practice, though more often for those practicing trust and estates, malpractice, debt collection, personal injury, and real estate law. Typically, with enough information, creativity and resources, attorneys can locate individuals without the services of private investigators or skip tracers. This informative CLE course, developed by a seasoned investigative attorney, will help lawyers develop basic people sea... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Anatomy of a Slip and Fall Case from Start to Finish

    A winter storm brings unimaginable havoc, most of which is felt in the immediate inconveniences. But a recent major winter storm has had long-lasting consequences in the shape of ongoing litigation over slip and fall injuries. This CLE course will offer a hypothetical slip and fall case from the perspectives of three involved parties, plaintiff’s attorney, defense attorney, and meteorologist expert. The course will take you step-by-step through the chronology of meteorological events w... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Breathalyzer Tests: To Blow or Not To Blow, That is The Question

    Refusing a breathalyzer test seems incriminating, but might be within a client’s rights. This CLE course will address Test Refusals – To Blow or Not to Blow, a program designed to systematically assist lawyers in handling phone calls from individuals under arrest for DWI. The course will not only explain how to answer the question, but also how to do so in a way that doesn’t incriminate the client. The course will also explain how to represent someone who is accused of refusing to subm... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Rules and Principles of The Division of Real Estate Between Married and Unmarried Partners

    Divorce is difficult – both emotionally and financially. Separating lives that were once united is complicated from every respect and the division of assets is one of the most combative issues couples face. This CLE course will focus on the division of real estate and the importance of prenuptial and mid-marriage agreements in protecting a spouse’s interest in a property, particularly when a down payment was provided by a family member. The course will explain the various pitfa... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Liberty’s Last Champion: The Validity of "Science" Evidence and Court Practice

    Our legal system asserts that it provides justice before the law, but not everyone would agree that the system is designed to ensure it. Civil and criminal cases bring about some difficult issues and science, along with some common sense, can often provide solutions. One example of this is DNA, a tool which can guard against false conclusions, but that can also be misleading. Our ability to differentiate between good, reliable science and junk science is key to this. This CLE course... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Ace Your Case: Trial Preparation and Strategy

    Preparation for a successful civil trial requires advanced thought and planning. This CLE course will take you through a step-by-step from mapping out the trial strategy to the closing statements. The course will address how to plan the proving of your case, anticipating and refuting counter-actions and the organization of physical evidence. How to prep witnesses to get your proof into evidence, pre-trial motions, particularly motions in limine and how to anticipate evidentiary issues,... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • The Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation

    Imagine your client, with full knowledge and faculties, has executed a deed signing away his property with the “understanding” that he would eventually get it back. Would the statute of frauds bar relief? Interesting question. This CLE course will address all the Hidden Secrets of Constructive Trust Litigation. Presented by the author of "Litigating Constructive Trusts" which addresses the main issues relevant to constructive trust cases, the course will address the issue from an offen... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Case Selection, Evaluation, and Beyond

    Case selection is an important part of the representation process. This CLE course will review the elements of case selection and other features of the process of accepting representation. The course will focus on personal injury and insurance cases but the fundamental issues, which will be dealt with extensively by senior attorneys with years of experience, are applicable across a wide range of legal areas. More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Obtaining Discovery from Online Service Providers

    Online misconduct is on the rise and with it the claims against such behavior. This CLE course will explain how to pursue claims of misconduct including acquiring relevant information from service providers, the type of information to look for and perhaps most importantly, the time you have to obtain such information on behalf of a client. The course will delve into the way document retention policies have been altered by digital information and what to do when a litigant hasn’t preser... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Challenging the Impermissible Use of Race in Jury Selection

    The issue of the impermissible use of race when exercising preemptory challenges was perfectly highlighted in the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2019 ruling in the case of Curtis Flowers. This CLE course will offer criminal defense attorneys with tools and strategies they can utilize to combat this type of unethical tactic. More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Hero-at-Law: The Law and Practice of Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers

    The past two years has seen important changes in the comic books industry. This CLE course will present the new areas of litigation and transactional work that have developed as well as offer an overview of the fundamentals of representing comic book industry clients. The course will also address the pros and cons of AI-generated works and present a series of new cases which have had a dramatic impact on comic book and graphic novel publishers and their attorneys. More Info

    3.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Force Majeure: Constant Contingency In Turbulent Times

    It seems that every day there is a new emergency, from global to local. Pandemics, war, government overhaul, riot, global warming – all of these touch upon the always present but little regarded Force Majeure clause in contracts. This informative CLE course will address Force Majeure from the practical view of contractual verbiage or absence, qualifying events, transactional contests and effects. The course will also address the impact of common law as well as court decisions and statu... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Questioning Techniques for Depositions: To Question, Or Not To Question, That Is The Question

    There is an art and a science to taking a deposition and knowing which questions to ask is a key element to taking a great one. This CLE course will present the most sophisticated techniques to drafting questions that will take your deposition from good to great. The course will explain the documents that are essential to crafting questions and how to formulate those questions to achieve your goals. Wording, pleadings, discovery responses, the use of exhibits, audio and video materials... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Counseling Real Estate Brokers on Common Legal Mistakes

    Training and preparation are critical to providing effective legal services and representation for commercial real estate brokers. This includes ensuring that brokers understand and know how to avoid the risks and missteps that could land them in litigation. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive summary of the most common issues that brokers face (and the lawsuits that may result) and present tips and strategies for attorneys to help prepare broker clients to represent their clien... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Care and Feeding of the Class Action Plaintiff

    If you are an attorney who does not have the experience to take a leadership role in a class action litigation, you may find yourself representing a plaintiff who will seek to serve as representative. Given that class actions differ greatly from individual client litigation, it’s critical to be able to advise clients about the process and prepare them for what lays ahead. This CLE course will explain the responsibilities of representatives and present effective techniques for interacti... More Info

    2General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • What Every Practitioner Needs to Know about Property and Business Interruption Appraisals: A Unique ADR Forum

    Insurance coverage has always been big business, and with catastrophic global events such as hurricanes and wildfires becoming more common, it is even more so. This CLE course will address how to manage situations in which a property or business interruption claim cannot be settled. The course will offer concrete alternatives to litigation, particularly given that insurance policies require parties on both sides to resolve their dispute in Appraisal over the value of loss and damage, which is un... More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • "Sweat Equity" in Small Businesses and Venture Startups: The Legal and Tax Issues

    Issuing shares that are (nearly) tax-free is relatively simple when a small business or start-up first launches. When a shareholder or LLC member receives “sweat equity” or shares in exchange for labor, the tax and legal issues become a bit more complicated. This entertaining, fast-paced CLE course will explain the issues of treating “sweat equity” workers as regular employees as opposed to independent contractors, as well as explain the use of restricted stock, options, warrants and o... More Info

    1General Credit
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Criminal Dog Bite Cases for Law Enforcement, Animal Control, Prosecutors and Judges

    Dog bite cases might not seem common, but they cause disruptions to public safety. Dog bites can happen to anyone and they can have tragic consequences. Presented by a former prosecutor with years of experience in the area, this CLE course will explain the role of public safety and animal control officers as well as law enforcement and prosecutors in ensuring the safety of the community from both reckless owners and stray dogs. More Info

    1.5General Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • Handling Current Legal Ethical Issues

    Remote work became the norm during COVID-19 and with it many practical issues arose, particularly for attorneys. This CLE course will address some of those issues particularly with regards to discussing personal legal matters with work employees. The course will present examples of attorneys acting as overzealous advocates for their clients and how that can result in lawyers crossing ethical boundaries. More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
  • In the Beginning... and Before: Ethical Considerations at the Outset of Representation

    This two part CLE course will address the professional responsibilities that attorneys have prior to representing clients. The course will begin with solicitation and barratry including practices such as ambulance chasing as well as conduct, consequences, enforcement and other rules of professional conduct. Part two of the lecture will address the importance of engagement letters, what’s included in them and how they can and should reduce the risk of malpractice claims. More Info

    1.5Ethics Credits
    ✓ Pre-Approved
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