Illinois MCLE - Specialty Credit Courses

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Illinois MCLE
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Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Accredited CLE Provider in Illinois. To view our full accreditation details please .

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Specialty Credit Courses

  • Bias in the Legal Profession

    Bias can influence employment decisions, even unintentionally. Any form of bias, even just perceived, can translate into legal action against a law firm. This CLE course will explain how bias can translate into legal causes of action and show how these lawsuits have affected certain law firms. Learn what to avoid, what actions to take, and how to make sure that our profession creates a fair and just playing field for all. More Info

  • Prevention, Detection & Treatment of Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession

    The extensive damage caused by substance and alcohol abuse is fairly well-known but its prevalence in the legal profession is less understood. This CLE course will review the various forms of addiction including medical marijuana, alcohol, gambling food and unethical conduct. Challenges in identifying behaviors relating to this abuse, how to differentiate abuse from normal social drinking and the consequences of such behavior which may include State Bar sanctions or even criminal convictions wil... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Substance Abuse in the Legal Profession: Recognition, Understanding and Intervention

    Addiction is a factor in many legal cases and attorneys need to know how to identify addiction and its legal definition. This CLE course, presented by Mick Meagher, Esq., a seasoned attorney and the author of a highly acclaimed book on intervention, presents this CLE course on how to define addiction and the various behaviors that fall under the guidelines of addictive behaviors. The course will offer an overview of the addiction disease process, the warning signs of substance abuse and the deva... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Recognizing and Removing Bias from the Legal Profession

    The term implicit bias has received a great deal of attention lately and has been identified as the cause of unjust behaviors in everything from hiring practices to the legal system. But what is implicit bias and how rampant is it in reality? How much is just media hype? This CLE course will explain implicit bias, its origin, how it can be differentiated from explicit bias, legal action that may arise from it and the degree to it has impacted the legal system. More Info

  • Diversity & Inclusion: The #MeToo Movement’s Impact on the Legal Profession

    Gender discrimination and gender diversity has perhaps never been more center-stage. This CLE course will take an attorneys view of the issue and discuss them in terms of the legal profession. The course will explain pay equity in law firms, sexual harassment issues and how diversity can be improved in law firms. Practical, effective steps by individuals and organizations can take to increase diversity and avoid inappropriate sexual conduct in light of the lessons we’ve learned in the #MeToo and... More Info

  • How Leadership Can Create Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession

    While bias, discrimination and harassment in the workplace has come under fire in the past few years, there still remains a degree of insidious behavior that can have an adverse effect on the workplace environment. Particularly for vulnerable employees, the climate of a workplace can directly impact employee performance and satisfaction. This CLE course will provide leaders and managers with the tools to examine their workplace and the interpersonal relationships within it and offer tips and str... More Info

  • Diversity and Inclusion: The Concept of Implicit Bias

    The concept of implicit bias, the stereotypes or attitudes that unconsciously impact our actions, decisions and understanding, is a subject of considerable study today. Formed by ones culture, experiences, society, media exposure or other element, it is often a reliable indicator of how a person will behave, even if that behavior runs counter to their explicit values. This CLE course will explore the impact of implicit bias on the workplace as well as present strategies for addressing the issu... More Info

  • New Illinois Attorney Basic Skills

    Defined under Rule 793 as a Basic Skills Course and therefore designed to help newly admitted attorneys in Illinois fulfill their minimum Continuing Legal Education Requirements, this CLE course addresses important topics for novice attorneys. The course will focus on providing necessary information for first year Illinois attorneys. More Info

    6Total Credits
    5 Ethics, 1 Div
  • No Lawyer Left Behind: Substance Abuse Prevention Techniques to Save our Law Firms and Ourselves

    Alcohol and substance abuse are an ongoing and ever-growing problem in the field of law. Combined with the statistics on mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, the numbers are indeed troubling. Part 1 of a 2 part series, this CLE course will provide lawyers and firm management with the information they need to identify and address these issues as well as prevention mechanisms that may be employed. More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Lawyers, Thrive and Be Alive: Substance Abuse Prevention Techniques to Save Our Law Firms and Ourselves

    The practice of law is known to wreak havoc on a person’s quality of life. Long hours, intense workloads and unyielding pressure can cause even the most well-balanced person becomes shells of their former selves with no time for family or friends. This CLE course, taught by lawyer and nutritional health coach Michelle Niemeyer will explain how to improve focus and boost productivity to avoid lawyer burnout so you can enjoy your practice and your life. More Info

    1.5Mental Health/Abuse
  • The Realities of Mental Health and Substance Abuse and How to Practice Wellness in the Legal Profession

    The impact of substance abuse and mental health issues on the legal profession is greatly misunderstood and underestimated. This CLE course will explain how to recognize the signs of impairment and inform attorneys about methods for early intervention. The course will present the various assistance programs available as well as tips for how to make wellness an integral part of an attorney’s daily life. More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Dying for a Laugh: Lessons Learned from Lawyers in Mental Illness and Substance Abuse

    The statistics for mental illness and substance abuse are rising nationwide, and yet, compared to the normal population, the statistics for attorneys and law students is striking. The degree to and rate at which they are suffering is increasingly cause for alarm. This CLE course will explain the real-life impact of these diseases on a person’s life and practice. The course will address and how and when to get help and the importance of erasing the public stigma associated with these illnesses.... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Implicit Bias and Micro-Aggressions: Their Effect on Law Firm Culture and Success

    Regardless of what business you’re in, the issues of implicit bias, diversity and inclusion has impacted your business. When it comes to the practice of law, this means attracting, providing services to and retaining an increasingly diverse clientele. This CLE course will explain how implicit bias and the automatic associations individuals make between groups as well as stereotypes about those groups may result in micro-aggression – the outcome of that bias. The course will focus specifically... More Info

  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Diversity In The Legal Profession, But Were Afraid to Ask

    A survey of the hot button topics concerning diversity and inclusion in the legal profession not just through stats and theory but real life experience. A frank discussion of the real reasons our profession lacks diversity; the harm not just to the larger culture but to our bottom lines; and what has to change for our profession to adequately reflect and serve the larger culture. More Info

  • Intervention Strategies for Helping Legal Professionals

    The staggering number of substance abuse and mental health issues in the legal profession requires that the legal community at large be aware of the problem and informed how to address it when needed. Best practices for doing so and tips and strategies to effectively provide assistance to someone in need will be covered in this important and comprehensive CLE course presented by a former addict. Real-life stories will be included. More Info

    1.25Mental Health/Abuse
  • How Microaggressions Can Dismantle an Organization’s Professional Development & Diversity & Inclusion Goals

    Seemingly innocuous comments, pronoun use and jokes can all seem innocent, but may amount to an inadvertently hostile environment for employees. Employee turnover as a result of such toxic environments are never good for a businesses’ bottom line. This enlightening CLE course will use a social science and current events approach to make you more aware of implicit bias and micro-aggressions for healthier work environments. The course will help you to recognize and admit biases you might... More Info

  • Decide to Thrive: The Case for Lawyer Well-Being

    Lawyers are known for working insane hours, to the point of exhaustion and seriously ill health, This CLE course will explain how to get control of your life without damaging your business. The course will explain how to have a balanced, healthy lifestyle and still make a great living as a lawyer. The course will address the systemic health problems in the legal profession and will present 4 essential strategies for creating lasting change in the intense environment that attorneys inhab... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Coronavirus and Your Mental Health: A Lawyer’s Guide to Coping with Isolation, Anxiety and Fear in Uncertain Times

    Messages about COVID-19 seem almost as prevalent as the virus itself. They are bombarding us through all forms of media as well as in conversations with family and friends. In such stressful times, it is that much easier for stress, fear and negative thinking to take over. Whether you are afraid of the virus itself or simply of being exposed and then quarantined, the isolation these circumstances create can have a dramatic effect on one's well-being. This can easily spiral into alcoholism, add... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • No One Makes It Out Unscathed: The Effects of Trauma, Stress and Burnout On Our Lives

    Stress is a component of any attorneys’ day to day life. And ignoring it won’t make it go away. Shrug it off and the results can be catastrophic for you, your family and your business. Trauma, less discussed but not rarer, also requires immediate attention. Whether it is a direct trauma such as a personal loss or one being experienced vicariously, untreated trauma can have untold consequences. This CLE course will address issues of stress and trauma, particularly in the wake of COVID-19... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Gambling: The "Secret" Addiction

    Alcoholism, drug addiction and mental health disorders are on the rise, leading to an increase in impairment in the legal profession. According to the statistics, 1 in 3 attorneys will need mental health services at some point in their careers. Yet there are other addictions, such as gambling, which is lesser known but can be just as damaging. The US Supreme Court Case of Murphy vs. NCAA upheld the legality of gambling across the country and in almost no time, Pennsylvania had on-line... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Changing the Landscape of Diversity, Inclusion & the Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession

    This CLE course will address the disproportionate numbers of women and minorities who hold partner positions in law firms. The course will also address the key impediments that have impacted women and minorities from advancement and explain how litigation is often used as a tool to combat discrimination and to advance inclusion and diversity. The course will present practices that law firms can adopt to increase their firm’s diversity and thereby change the legal landscape. More Info

  • Implicit Bias: “I’m Not Like You…Except That I Am”

    Presented by a trial lawyer, mediator and life coach, this informative CLE course will address why human beings tend to judge and categorize other humans and demystify their perceived need to do so. The course will then dovetail with the topic of bias and prejudice elimination and how that fits into the perceived need and will facilitate how to reframe those common “caveman-like” reactions. The course will take a light-hearted tone and respect all opinions and perspectives. The... More Info

  • Diversity and Race in Jury Selection

    This fascinating CLE course will look at jury selection from the historical lens of diversity and race. The course will examine how the “all white juries” of the past resulted in infamous miscarriages of justice and how the Supreme Court has addressed the racial discrimination in jury selection going all the way back to the 1880’s. The course will take a particular look at New York State courts and how they have recently addressed this issues and then zoom out to look at what other sta... More Info

  • Staying Safe and Sound: Maintaining a Realistic Work/Life Balance in Uncertain Times

    With messages about COVID-related issues still flooding your inbox, broadcast on tv and argued over on social media, you are at an increased likelihood for anxiety, stress, fear, and negative thoughts. Amongst the many concerns are concerns about being in crowds, whether to get another vaccine booster, fears about the health of your family and how you will manage the future in the “new normal”. Recent studies indicate a dramatic increase amongst those in the legal profession of impairm... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Virtual Isolation: Is Hyperconnectivity Helping or Harming the Legal Professional?

    Modern technology has taken over our lives in ways we couldn’t have possibly anticipated. Smartphones have replaced colleagues, friends and family as our most constant companions. However, like many things, their contributions to our lives comes at a price including the risk of dependence, addiction and fear. Constantly online, we find ourselves connected, but alone. Even put to the side, our electronic devices are always running. This trend has had an especially deliberating impact on... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Understanding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: How the Law Created Inequity

    Efforts to equalize opportunity are often encapsulated by the words “diversity, equity and inclusion”. The need and purpose for DEI requires an understanding of how inequality is embedded into the law. This CLE course will explain the many laws and judicial pronouncements that have made inequality the law. The course will present some of the more seminal cases, some taught as early as grade school and some virtually unknown – in order to shed light on claims of inequity and the efforts... More Info

  • Being a DEIA Agent of Change in The Legal Workplace and Beyond

    This introductory CLE course on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) offers a comprehensive legal overview of various related concepts and initiatives. The course will open with the definition and legal history of DEIA as well as some relevant background. Going as far back in history as the Civil War, the course will explain how the concepts in the modern understanding of DEIA evolved from the beginning of American history through the Civil Rights movement till today a... More Info

  • The Effects of Trauma and Compassion Fatigue on the Lawyer Who Cares

    While lawyers tend to get a bad rap, many are attracted to the legal profession because they care about people and genuinely want to help them. And they live stressful lives as a result, many working incredibly long hours and unable to take a break lest they disappoint their clients. Beyond the typical burnout that most experience, there is a special type of burnout called “secondary traumatic stress” or “compassion fatigue”. The ramifications of trauma and compassion fatigue aren’t discussed... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
  • Mindfulness for Attorneys: Emotional Wellness & Well-Being

    This thought-provoking CLE will explore mental well-being within the legal profession as we spotlight personal narratives of burnout, recovery, and the challenges associated with mental health. Rooted in authentic experiences, this program provides tangible strategies to navigate stress and attain a harmonious work-life equilibrium. Delve into the early indicators of burnout, acquiring effective techniques to preserve mental health amidst high-pressure environments. Uncover tools that... More Info

    1Mental Health/Abuse
Decorative Arc

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