Nebraska CLE - Medical Law Courses

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Nebraska CLE
Accreditation Info

United Institute for Continuing Legal Education is a provider of accredited CLE courses throughout the country. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Custody Decisions: When God and Culture Have a Say

    Custody matters are always tricky. Adding issues of culture and religion into the equation only complicates matters. This CLE course will offer an analysis of custody cases characterized by issues of culture and religion and how these differences are exhibited by the two parents. The course will review both case law and psychological protocols typically used to understand the factors that a court will likely consider and the importance it will attribute in handling these issues. More Info

    1General Credit
  • Winning Dog Bite Cases for Plaintiffs and Defense Tactics

    Surprisingly, dog bite cases are more common than one would think. This CLE course will offer tips and strategies for successfully litigating dog bite cases. The course, presented by a former prosecutor turned personal trial attorney, will explain the different types of dog bite victims, with a special focus on child victims and address the potential pitfalls one might face in these cases. The issue of presenting damages, preserving evidence will be presented. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Understanding Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Cases

    Nursing home cases can be incredibly complex and with today’s aging demographics, they are increasingly common. This important CLE course will help you identify and evaluate nursing home cases, understand what rules apply to these cases (including federal and state regulations and laws), and the primary differences from "normal" personal injury cases. The course will also offers tips and strategies to present these cases persuasively at trial. More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Managing FMLA Leaves of Absence

    This comprehensive CLE course will offer an in-depth understanding of leave of absences with regards to FMLA compliance. A legalistic and complex set of laws, this CLE course will offer a step-by-step guide to understanding the requirements set forth in the FMLA relating to leave of absences. The course will also present a detailed plan of action for when employees are out on a leave of absence to ensure legal compliance. The course will also tips and strategies to: Understand w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Intermittent FMLA: Understanding an Employer's Obligations

    The difficult part of the already complex FMLA is understanding intermittent and reduced schedule leave. This informative CLE course will offer tips and strategies to understand the basics of taking intermittent and reduced-schedule FMLA leave and how to ensure compliance with the law. The course will offer a deeper understanding of the FMLA and how to violations of the FMLA and legal liability. The course will present: Scheduling FMLA leave Multiple methods for determining the 12-m... More Info

    1General Credit
  • A Quarter of a Century Later, HIPAA is More Relevant than Ever

    HIPAA has been synonymous with a patient's privacy and security since its inception over 25 years ago. Recently the failure of covered entities to provide patients with a copy of their medical records within a prescribed period of time set forth in the regulations has been a focus of OCR's enforcement. In addition to recent enforcement actions, reproductive healthcare has also become a primary focus, as well as its relationship to HIPAA, including the law enforcement exception, which m... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • How to Respond to a Motion for Summary Judgment in Brief Form and at Oral Argument

    The right tools are an essential part of any attorneys’ arsenal. This CLE course will address the ones an attorney needs when responding to civil motions. The course will also review the necessary tactics attorneys should employ to navigate the basic procedural rules to follow when you receive a motion that is filed against your client. Strategies for responding to motions, including little-known tips and rules that will preserve your client’s claim and ensure you can admit evidence in... More Info

    1General Credit
  • PFAS: The New Contaminant of Enormous Concern

    As global warning becomes an increasing concern and technology evolves to address it, the issue of “forever chemicals” has moved to the forefront. This CLE course will address the regulations for new varieties of contaminants and PFAS chemicals. The course will address PFAS chemicals as they relate to federal and state regulations surrounding drinking water, the strictest of which is New York State. The course will address the difficulties faced by public water suppliers to ach... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Staying Safe and Sound: Maintaining a Realistic Work/Life Balance in Uncertain Times

    With messages about COVID-related issues still flooding your inbox, broadcast on tv and argued over on social media, you are at an increased likelihood for anxiety, stress, fear, and negative thoughts. Amongst the many concerns are concerns about being in crowds, whether to get another vaccine booster, fears about the health of your family and how you will manage the future in the “new normal”. Recent studies indicate a dramatic increase amongst those in the legal profession of impairm... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • New Marijuana Legislation & Vehicular Search & Seizures: Lingering Odor Of Marijuana as Probable Cause & Residue

    The New NYS Marijuana Legislation, also known as the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, offers tools for criminal defense attorneys under the new search and seizure protections allowing probable cause to conduct a search of a vehicle as a result of an alleged marijuana odor. This CLE course will review the new legislation and the tools it offers, focusing primarily on the recent case of Police Department v. Xavier J. Williams; Joan R. Salzman, Administrative Law Judge, which applie... More Info

    1General Credit
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