Ohio CLE - Personal Injury Courses

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Ohio CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a self-study established sponsor (sponsor number 14232) by the Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • A Basic Overview of Tennessee Workers' Compensation Law

    Offering a comprehensive overview of the Tennessee Workers’ Compensation Act, this informative CLE course will help attorneys navigate the many complexities of filing a worker’s compensation claim in the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation and the Tennessee Court of Workers’ Compensation. The course will present information relevant to applicable affirmative defenses as well as how to determine the eventual outcome of a case that is brought before the Tennessee Court of Workers’... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Anatomy of a Slip and Fall Case from Start to Finish

    A winter storm brings unimaginable havoc, most of which is felt in the immediate inconveniences. But a recent major winter storm has had long-lasting consequences in the shape of ongoing litigation over slip and fall injuries. This CLE course will offer a hypothetical slip and fall case from the perspectives of three involved parties, plaintiff’s attorney, defense attorney, and meteorologist expert. The course will take you step-by-step through the chronology of meteorological events w... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Care and Feeding of the Class Action Plaintiff

    If you are an attorney who does not have the experience to take a leadership role in a class action litigation, you may find yourself representing a plaintiff who will seek to serve as representative. Given that class actions differ greatly from individual client litigation, it’s critical to be able to advise clients about the process and prepare them for what lays ahead. This CLE course will explain the responsibilities of representatives and present effective techniques for interacti... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • Criminal Dog Bite Cases for Law Enforcement, Animal Control, Prosecutors and Judges

    Dog bite cases might not seem common, but they cause disruptions to public safety. Dog bites can happen to anyone and they can have tragic consequences. Presented by a former prosecutor with years of experience in the area, this CLE course will explain the role of public safety and animal control officers as well as law enforcement and prosecutors in ensuring the safety of the community from both reckless owners and stray dogs. More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Crossing State and International Lines for Discovery and Enforcement of Judgments

    Crossing jurisdictional boundaries for the purpose of discovery during litigation as well as the enforcement of judgements that may therefore arise, has existed since the rise of modern commerce. This CLE course will present a historical overview of the development of the crossing of jurisdictional boundaries as it has evolved in the Western world in order to prepare attorneys to diplomatically navigate their cases today. The course will also offer practical resources for pract... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Depositions in Motor Vehicle Crashes

    Conducting a deposition takes skill, experience and training. This CLE course, presented by an esteemed attorney with a track record of winning high figure verdicts in motor vehicle crash cases, will explain how to conduct depositions in all states so that defendants are de facto expert witnesses in a motor vehicle crash case. The course will explain how to establish the negligence of a defendant using the “Holy Trinity” of motor vehicle crashes and how to gain access to legal preceden... More Info

    1General Credit
  • Five Critical Developments in Class Action Litigation

    One of the most consistently evolving areas of jurisprudence, class action litigation also has the highest stakes of any field of litigation and the broad guidelines of Rule 23 results in a wide array of both practical and academic debates. This CLE course will address recent development in five major areas of the law as they relate to class litigation. These theoretical and practical presentations of Article III jurisprudence, arbitration, administrative feasibility, post-Rule 23(e) c... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Handling Cannabis Personal Injury Lawsuits

    Many people mistakenly believe that marijuana and cannabis products, including CBD, pose no risks. This is not the case. Both legal professionals and the general public often overlook the potential for marijuana to cause personal harm. As evidence of marijuana-related injuries grows, it is important for lawyers to recognize possible liability issues. Defense lawyers within the cannabis sector have started alerting their clients about impending personal injury lawsuits. This CLE i... More Info

    2General Credits
  • Handling Liens in Personal Injury Cases

    Statutory liens are part of every personal injury case. Known as “leeches” in the industry, these are often state-specific. This CLE course, designed for practiced as well as new attorneys, will approach the issue from a general standpoint and will focus primarily on those typically encountered in standard practice. The course will address ERISA, Medicaid, and Medicare and will offer a topical outline as well as reference to the continually updated manuals that are most helpful... More Info

    1.25General Credits
  • Holding The Marijuana Industry Legally Accountable

    Since the legalization of marijuana, its potency has risen and can reach 99% pure delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).[1] It is the THC in marijuana which results in the “high,” and which can lead to addiction, violence, crime, mental illness, traffic deaths, and many other health and social problems. Many maintain that voters were not properly informed of these dangers when marijuana was legalized and that the current use and these levels causes harm that, had the public been aware, might have... More Info

    2General Credits
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