New Hampshire MCLE - Ethics and Specialty Courses

This is a listing of Ethics and Specialty CLE Courses for New Hampshire. Please make your selection below of New Hampshire CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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New Hampshire MCLE
Accreditation Info

New Hampshire attorneys must self-determine whether a program is eligible for credit and self-report their attendance. The United Institute for Continuing Legal Education believes that its courses meet the requirements of NH Supreme Court Rule 53 and qualify towards the annual NHMCLE requirement. To view our full accreditation details please .

All Courses
  • 1031 Exchanges: Ethical Considerations

    Navigating 1031 Exchanges can be intricate, and this in-depth CLE course is designed to unravel the complexities. This course will elucidate optimal strategies and a diverse range of ethical considerations associated with 1031 Exchanges. The agenda encompasses key aspects such as Qualifying Property, Scope of Representation, Conflicts of Interest, Identification, Qualified Intermediaries, and additional relevant topics. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Analyzing the Right and Ethical Way to Prepare Witnesses in Criminal Cases

    The zealous representation of clients is the obligation of all attorneys. But that obligation does not give them the right to ignore the rules of professional conduct, or that of honesty and candor in front of the tribunal. Creating a balance between the two can certainly present a challenge. This CLE course will explain how to structure presentations for the maximum effect and best serve a client’s interests while still maintaining the proper standards for honesty, the prevention of p... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Attorney Ethics, Civility and Professionalism

    The obligations on attorneys, as defined by the professional code of ethics and rules of conduct, often do not help attorneys deal with day-to-day interactions with colleagues and clients. Often, even though we know the rules, our actions and behaviors are guided by our feelings in a moment instead of the rules. This CLE course will discuss how reframing concepts and emotional regulation can aide attorneys in developing habits that will lead to professional, ethical conduct. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Being a DEIA Agent of Change in The Legal Workplace and Beyond

    This introductory CLE course on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) offers a comprehensive legal overview of various related concepts and initiatives. The course will open with the definition and legal history of DEIA as well as some relevant background. Going as far back in history as the Civil War, the course will explain how the concepts in the modern understanding of DEIA evolved from the beginning of American history through the Civil Rights movement till today a... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Navigating Partnership Disputes and High-Impact Partner Departures

    Breakups can be challenging, and although they may not be as severe as divorces, managing conflicts between partners and dealing with the departure of a significant collaborator can be tough. In this informative CLE, we will explore effective strategies for handling disputes and separations, covering important aspects such as the responsibilities of a firm towards an attorney and vice versa, communication techniques, ethical considerations, and privacy concerns. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection Issues: Ethical Considerations and New Requirements

    Several states are currently considering mandating CLE hours that concentrate on cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection. The obligation for lawyers to possess technology competency is not new, as many states have already adopted the American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rule's requirement. The aim of the CLE program is to address lawyers' ethical obligations and requirements and highlight its relevance for other states. The program will also offer practical strategies, explain impo... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Diversity & Inclusion: Recognizing the Damaging Effects of Implicit Bias in the Workplace

    Implicit bias, increasingly studied and discussed, involves subconscious associations our minds create linking various concepts and ideas. These biases arise from our experiences, cultural backgrounds, societal norms, media influences, and other factors. This CLE program explores the nature of implicit bias and its influence on the legal profession and workplace. Participants will examine how these biases subtly affect behaviors and decisions and will learn practical strategies to miti... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • E-Discovery’s Emerging Ethical Challenges

    With the growing need to produce and examine ESI, attorneys must become technologically proficient. This informative CLE course will explore the challenges inherent in preserving and gathering ESI, managing a client’s use of social media and the many ethical issues that may arise as well as strategies to avoid them. The course will also address the ABA Model Rule 1.1 and the attorney obligation it contains. More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Attorney's Fees, Referral Fees, and Billing Practices

    Ethics rules for attorneys are well-known, but not necessarily well understood. Whether we are talking about lawyer fees, referral fee requirements and fee sharing, non-refundable payments and all issues related to costs and settlements, the lawyer Trust Account Rules offer guidelines that every attorney should know. This CLE course will address these topics and offer important strategies to make sure attorneys know and understand their ethical obligations and how to comply with them.... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
  • Ethical Client Management: Tips and Tricks On What Can Save You Problems

    The client relationship is perhaps the most important factor in the success of any legal action. This CLE course will address how the relationship should begin and how to ethically manage the client’s expectations. Using real examples and rule applications, the course will explain how to start a client relationship so that it’s got a solid basis with regards to goals and attitudes. The course will provide tips and strategies to avoid potential pitfalls and maintain compliance with the... More Info

    1Ethics Credit
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