West Virginia CLE - Corporate Law Courses

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West Virginia CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a presumptive provider of CLE in WV, approved by the WV State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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    Oh Brave Commercial New World: The New Reality of Name, Image, and Likeness in Collegiate Athletics

    This CLE course serves to clear up the misunderstanding surrounding the recently enacted laws that permits college athletes to earn money from the use of their Name, Image & Likeness (NIL) without risking their college eligibility. While there are some restrictions, the response of the NCAA in lifting their rules, even in states where the law wasn’t passed, enabled collegiate athletes, previously barred from endorsements or other earnings, to pursue opportunities much the way professional athl... More Info

    1.8General Credits
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    Corporate Philanthropy: Where to Start and How to Get it Right

    Philanthropic initiatives by companies have become almost expected in recent years. Corporate Social Responsibility has made it almost impossible to avoid. But how can a company give back? This CLE course will present the different program options available to companies, taking into account compliance issues, program consistency with a company brand and strategies to avoid legal liability. This CLE course will offer an interactive overview useful for both CSR and corporate foundation m... More Info

    1.38General Credits
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    The Regulation of Private and Foreign Funds in the Age of Cryptocurrency

    Cryptocurrency has transformed the way we think about investing. This CLE course will offer a comprehensive overview of the regulatory system as it applies to private and foreign investment funds and how it has been dramatically altered by the rise in cryptocurrency. The course will open with a historical overview of applicable regulation including the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Investment Company Act, the Investment Advisers Act, the Dodd-Frank Ac... More Info

    1.86General Credits
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    Trademark Modernization Act: Understanding the USPTO's Final Rulemaking

    This CLE course will focus on the ability of USPTO and brand owners to initiate new ex parte reexamination and expungement proceedings. These proceedings, were authorized by the Trademark Modernization Act. The course will explain these proceedings as well as the USPTO’s final rulemaking and the impact it will have on brand owners. The course will cover procedural issues, best practices to brands responding to these proceedings, consideration for those implementing proceedings, changes... More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    Defining Antitrust Markets in Platform Industries

    Designed to update generalists, anti-trust practitioners and inside counsel on the lower courts’ interpretation and application of Ohio v. American Express as it relates to defining antitrust markets involving platforms, this informative CLE course offers a brief but high level overview of antitrust law in the US. Taking into account the impact of the Supreme Court decision in this landmark case and the degree to which platforms have occupied the antitrust spotlight, the course will review the... More Info

    1.38General Credits
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    Introduction to Chapter 11, Subchapter V: An Accessible and Affordable Option for Small Businesses

    Between stimulus payments and eviction moratoriums, bankruptcy filings have reached record lows. This assistance, however, provided on a federal and state level in response to COVID-19, will not last forever. When these expire, small businesses looking for a new means of support can turn to Subchapter V of Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy code, which this informative and timely CLE course will present. The course will offer a step-by-step guide for plan approval as well as commercial lease... More Info

    2General Credits
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    A Hundred Little Things: Negotiating Commercial Real Estate Leases, Focusing on Technology, Ethics and COVID Amendments

    This advanced CLE course is designed for a variety of lawyers. It will focus on the use of Google sheets and AirTable as well as the ethical issues related to such tools. Using a Prime Time TV sublease to dissect ethical issues, the course will delve into a variety of ways clients might be impacted by COVID with regards to leases and CRE long term, business and restaurant advisors, work from home issues and curbside eating and delivery. More Info

    1.82General Credits
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    Representing the Founders and Initial Investors in a Startup Technology Company

    The start-up phase of a technology company requires the assembly of a management team, the development and testing of products and services, marketing strategies and intellectual property research. Most importantly, it is when the initial capital is raised. This entertaining CLE presentation whose fast-pace mirrors the frenetic energy of start-ups will present the most common corporate, securities and tax law issues that are involved when representing start-up founders or early-stage i... More Info

    1.82General Credits
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    International Joint Ventures: Problems, Solutions and Approaches

    The legal issues surrounding cross-border joint ventures (JVs) can be somewhat complex. This CLE course will address all the basics such as purpose, management, governance and capital contributions. The course will also cover veto rights, profit distributions, transfer restrictions, minority protections and dispute resolution specifically within the context of international or cross-border ventures which means that cultural and foreign law issues, international taxation, profit repatri... More Info

    2.02General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Counsel's Role in Developing & Adopting a Code of Ethics

    Almost every organization today has a code of ethics they claim to abide by. But are these codes policies? Legal requirements? Are they enforceable? Are there exceptions? This CLE course will address all of this and more and explain the attorney’s role in developing and implementing the enforcement of these codes. The course will address all of these issues as they relate to the code being upheld by a small group of representatives yet scrutinized by the public at large as well as stak... More Info

    1.2Ethics Credits
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