West Virginia CLE - Employment Law Courses

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West Virginia CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a presumptive provider of CLE in WV, approved by the WV State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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    "Sweat Equity" in Small Businesses and Venture Startups: The Legal and Tax Issues

    Issuing shares that are (nearly) tax-free is relatively simple when a small business or start-up first launches. When a shareholder or LLC member receives “sweat equity” or shares in exchange for labor, the tax and legal issues become a bit more complicated. This entertaining, fast-paced CLE course will explain the issues of treating “sweat equity” workers as regular employees as opposed to independent contractors, as well as explain the use of restricted stock, options, warrants and o... More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    #You're Fired @Will: Social Media and Employment Law

    Don't miss this CLE presentation by top employment lawyer Wendy Stryker, as she discusses the ever-changing landscape and the risks and liabilities that you face. Topics include: • Laws governing employee social media communications • When Facebook, Twitter and other social media posts are protected • Recent decisions on social media-based employment terminations • Distinguishing off-duty conduct from on-duty conduct • Weighing disciplinary action • Avoiding retaliation claims • El... More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    1st and 4th Amendment and Employment Cases: Difficult Issues and Lessons Learned

    This CLE course offers insights from seasoned litigators specializing in First and Fourth Amendment Law as well as Employment Law. It explores complex and relevant topics, with a focus on sharing real-world experiences and advice that go beyond standard legal education or literature. The goal is to equip emerging and less-experienced lawyers with the skills and knowledge required to manage these legal matters effectively, whether at the pre-trial stage, during trial, on appeal, or thro... More Info

    4.2General Credits
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    ADA and Psychiatric Disabilities

    Psychiatric disabilities are more common than many are aware of. How can you correctly and legally deal with such employees with regards to discipline and workplace violations, termination, and accommodations? How do you deal with a situation when one might be a direct threat to themselves or others and when are you obligated to continue employing them. This CLE course will cover all of these issues as well as requirements under the ADAAA. How psychiatric disabilities are defined, com... More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    ADA Website Compliance: Is Your Website Lawsuit Proof?

    Section 508 of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) stipulates a variety of issues pertinent to Website ADA Compliance. This CLE course will explain these issues and the significance and impact of increased accessibility and how that relates to the ADA. With data innovation giving new significance to the notion of equal access for all from the perspective of accessibility for those with disabilities as well as the untapped market they embody, this course will offer the data, resour... More Info

    1.4General Credits
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    ADA, ADAAA and EEOC Regulations

    The ADA and the ADAAA are notoriously difficult to understand and comply with, especially given the EEOC’s extensive regulations designed to ensure legal compliance. This CLE course will offer an in-depth explanation of the law and how to define disability within the construct of the ADA. The course will address the issue of reasonable accommodation for employees as well other pressing issues such as remote work, undue burden and how to navigate the interactive process of the ADA.... More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    ADA: Reasonable Accommodations and the Interactive Process

    Employment law is fairly complex and the ADA is one of the most complicated laws within the subject of employment law. This CLE course will make sure that employers fully comprehend their legal compliance obligations as required by the ADA. The course will cover how to engage the interactive process when an employee requests a reasonable accommodation as well as how to manage the process. The course will address how disability can be defined under the ADA as well as what constitutes re... More Info

    1.2General Credits
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    Alphabet Soup of Employment Laws

    Learning to avoid Employment Law liability under the FMLA, ADA, ADEA and GINA statutes is a must for any employer. This comprehensive CLE course will explain how each of these laws interact with others and how to ensure compliance with employment law and protect your business and yourself. The course will review how Employment Law has evolved as well as the impact of the discrimination laws on each phase of employment. What is allowed to be communicated in job postings, during intervie... More Info

    2.5General Credits
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    Americans with Disabilities Act: Accessibility Issues for Businesses

    Even after years of legislation and nation-wide public awareness, people with disabilities still often find themselves in situations where accessibility was not taken into account. This has resulted in thousands of lawsuits in federal court in the last year, many of them in New York, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) alleging inaccessibility in public buildings. This riveting CLE will be presenting by a panel of speakers who will address the rise in this type of litigation and prov... More Info

    1.5General Credits
  • On-Demand
    Online & iOS/Android App

    Basic Business Lawyering For Small Company Clients

    Small companies have specific legal concerns, and they are not always the same as those that apply to medium or large companies. Their legal needs may differ as well. This informative introductory CLE course will help new attorneys planning to practice business law as well as seasoned attorneys looking to pivot to the area and represent smaller companies, typically described as those with less than $100M annual revenue and fewer than 500 employees, with the skills to navigate these are... More Info

    4.36General Credits
Decorative Arc

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