New York CLE - Diversity and Inclusion Courses

This is a listing of Diversity and Inclusion CLE Courses for New York. Please make your selection below of New York CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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New York CLE
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Courses purchased through are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, an Accredited NYS CLE Provider. To view our full accreditation details please .

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  • Bias in the Legal Profession

    Bias can influence employment decisions, even unintentionally. Any form of bias, even just perceived, can translate into legal action against a law firm. This CLE course will explain how bias can translate into legal causes of action and show how these lawsuits have affected certain law firms. Learn what to avoid, what actions to take, and how to make sure that our profession creates a fair and just playing field for all. More Info

  • Recognizing and Removing Bias from the Legal Profession

    The term implicit bias has received a great deal of attention lately and has been identified as the cause of unjust behaviors in everything from hiring practices to the legal system. But what is implicit bias and how rampant is it in reality? How much is just media hype? This CLE course will explain implicit bias, its origin, how it can be differentiated from explicit bias, legal action that may arise from it and the degree to it has impacted the legal system. More Info

  • Diversity & Inclusion: The #MeToo Movement’s Impact on the Legal Profession

    Gender discrimination and gender diversity has perhaps never been more center-stage. This CLE course will take an attorneys view of the issue and discuss them in terms of the legal profession. The course will explain pay equity in law firms, sexual harassment issues and how diversity can be improved in law firms. Practical, effective steps by individuals and organizations can take to increase diversity and avoid inappropriate sexual conduct in light of the lessons we’ve learned in the #MeToo and... More Info

  • How Leadership Can Create Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession

    While bias, discrimination and harassment in the workplace has come under fire in the past few years, there still remains a degree of insidious behavior that can have an adverse effect on the workplace environment. Particularly for vulnerable employees, the climate of a workplace can directly impact employee performance and satisfaction. This CLE course will provide leaders and managers with the tools to examine their workplace and the interpersonal relationships within it and offer tips and str... More Info

  • Diversity and Inclusion: The Concept of Implicit Bias

    The concept of implicit bias, the stereotypes or attitudes that unconsciously impact our actions, decisions and understanding, is a subject of considerable study today. Formed by ones culture, experiences, society, media exposure or other element, it is often a reliable indicator of how a person will behave, even if that behavior runs counter to their explicit values. This CLE course will explore the impact of implicit bias on the workplace as well as present strategies for addressing the issu... More Info

  • Female Testimony in Beit Din: An Untold Story of Halachic Justice

    A fascinating CLE course that deals with the gap between religious law and societal norms, the issue of contemporary court testimony from individuals barred from such practice in Biblical law will be explored and discussed. Presented by a religious arbitration law expert from Pepperdine University School of Law, the course will explain how Jewish justice operates within the context of rabbinical court proceedings. More Info

  • Implicit Bias and Micro-Aggressions: Their Effect on Law Firm Culture and Success

    Regardless of what business you’re in, the issues of implicit bias, diversity and inclusion has impacted your business. When it comes to the practice of law, this means attracting, providing services to and retaining an increasingly diverse clientele. This CLE course will explain how implicit bias and the automatic associations individuals make between groups as well as stereotypes about those groups may result in micro-aggression – the outcome of that bias. The course will focus specifically... More Info

  • Everything You Wanted to Know About Diversity In The Legal Profession, But Were Afraid to Ask

    A survey of the hot button topics concerning diversity and inclusion in the legal profession not just through stats and theory but real life experience. A frank discussion of the real reasons our profession lacks diversity; the harm not just to the larger culture but to our bottom lines; and what has to change for our profession to adequately reflect and serve the larger culture. More Info

  • How Microaggressions Can Dismantle an Organization’s Professional Development & Diversity & Inclusion Goals

    Seemingly innocuous comments, pronoun use and jokes can all seem innocent, but may amount to an inadvertently hostile environment for employees. Employee turnover as a result of such toxic environments are never good for a businesses’ bottom line. This enlightening CLE course will use a social science and current events approach to make you more aware of implicit bias and micro-aggressions for healthier work environments. The course will help you to recognize and admit biases you might... More Info

  • Changing the Landscape of Diversity, Inclusion & the Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession

    This CLE course will address the disproportionate numbers of women and minorities who hold partner positions in law firms. The course will also address the key impediments that have impacted women and minorities from advancement and explain how litigation is often used as a tool to combat discrimination and to advance inclusion and diversity. The course will present practices that law firms can adopt to increase their firm’s diversity and thereby change the legal landscape. More Info

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