North Carolina CLE - Intellectual Property Courses
This is a listing of Intellectual Property CLE Courses for North Carolina. Please make your selection below of North Carolina CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.
North Carolina CLE
Accreditation Info
National Academy of Continuing Legal Education is a Sponsor (5258) of CLE courses, approved by the North Carolina State Bar Board of Continuing Legal Education. Attorneys may earn all required NC CLE credits from the United Institute for Continuing Legal Education. To view our full accreditation details please .
BIZ BUZZ: Starting, Buying and Selling Small Businesses
Launching, buying, selling or franchising a business requires many steps, in-depth analysis and an understanding of the various legal issues. Big Buzz covers the five different methods small entities leave or enter into a small business. This CLE course will address these methods from a variety of perspectives – that of an attorney handling more than 30 closings a year, that of an owner of both successful and failing businesses, and that of an investor in many small businesses. The cou... More Info
$552General Credits -
Antitrust Merger Enforcement: Significant Regulatory Developments and Issues Explored
Designed to offer attorneys an in-depth understanding of the current state of US antitrust regulations and the role of antitrust agencies in reviewing and challenging mergers, this CLE course will present a comprehensive overview of the merger control process in the US, priorities of the antitrust agency priorities, highlights of recent merger challenges and forthcoming revisions to the US merger guidelines. The course will begin with an exploration of the core aspects of the US merge... More Info
$291General Credit -
Business Law Strategy & Contract Drafting: Considerations for Maximizing, Monetizing & Preserving Client's Patent Rights
Patent law is an important area for business law attorneys to understand. This CLE course will explain everything you need to know including the importance of NDA’s in a patent application, crucial clauses of drafting employment agreements and tips for cost effectively dealing with patent infringement on e-commerce platforms. More Info
$291General Credit -
Defamation and The First Amendment of Speech
The issue of defamation and its boundaries with regards to the First Amendment is fairly tricky. This CLE course will explain the evolving aspects of defamation as it relates to First Amendment rights. The course will significantly improve participants’ ability to identify and unravel issues that may be of concern to clients. No prior knowledge of defamation is required. More Info
$291General Credit -
Obtaining Discovery from Online Service Providers
Online misconduct is on the rise and with it the claims against such behavior. This CLE course will explain how to pursue claims of misconduct including acquiring relevant information from service providers, the type of information to look for and perhaps most importantly, the time you have to obtain such information on behalf of a client. The course will delve into the way document retention policies have been altered by digital information and what to do when a litigant hasn’t preser... More Info
$551.5General Credits -
Navigating SaaS Contracts: Top Tips for Reducing Risk
This timely CLE course will present a comprehensive look at emerging data privacy laws, particularly as they relate to the impact on SaaS contracts. The importance of these laws in the wake of data leaks and breaches cannot be overstated, particularly with regards to SaaS. The course will provide tips and strategies for drafting allocation clauses and offer a thorough look at two of the most critical clauses - indemnification and limitation of liability – from both the vendor and custo... More Info
$291General Credit -
Drafting Comic Book Contracts: A Practical Guide
Comic book agreements include unique provisions. This CLE course will ask participants to develop a rough draft of initial of key comic book agreement provisions, to engage in a mock client interview and negotiations with exercises specifically designed for the comic book industry. Attendees will then be led to issue-spot common problems in publishing contracts. With guidance from seasoned comic book publishing attorneys, attendees will get to practice a full range of necessary skills... More Info
$552General Credits -
Hero-at-Law: The Law and Practice of Representing Comic Book Creators and Publishers
The past two years has seen important changes in the comic books industry. This CLE course will present the new areas of litigation and transactional work that have developed as well as offer an overview of the fundamentals of representing comic book industry clients. The course will also address the pros and cons of AI-generated works and present a series of new cases which have had a dramatic impact on comic book and graphic novel publishers and their attorneys. More Info
$812.75General Credits -
A Primer on Trademarks: What Every Practitioner Needs to Know
Trademark registration and protection is increasingly important in today’s digital world. This CLE course will cover all the basics of trademark registration and protection including providing an understanding of what constitutes a trademark and the different types. Trademarks that are able to be registered, as well the benefits of registration and the registration process will be reviewed. Types of infringement and strategies for preventing infringement as well as available re... More Info
$291General Credit -
What You and Your Clients Need to Know About the USPTO’s Post-Registration Audit
Deadwood refers to registration for marks that are not in use in commerce. Over the past few years, removing this deadwood from the Trademark Register has become an important priority for the USPTO. In recent years they instituted a permanent post-registration audit program requiring trademark registration filing a Declaration of Use to submit proof of use for two additional items in each class beyond the product for which a specimen was submitted. This CLE course will explain the post... More Info
$291General Credit