West Virginia CLE - Contract Law Courses

This is a listing of Contract Law CLE Courses for West Virginia. Please make your selection below of West Virginia CLE courses. Click "Add To Cart" to purchase Individual CLE Courses. For more information about a particular CLE course, click on the "More Info" link. Click the "Preview" button to view a short preview of the course.

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West Virginia CLE
Accreditation Info

Courses purchased through UnitedCLE.com are provided and fully accredited by The National Academy of Continuing Legal Education, a presumptive provider of CLE in WV, approved by the WV State Bar. To view our full accreditation details please .

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    You Won! Now What? Collecting Civil Judgments Under Illinois Law

    Even if you successfully prosecute a civil case to judgement, clients aren’t typically satisfied unless they receive money at the end of a case. This is particularly important for attorneys who work on the basis of contingent fees. In cases where a judgement debtor does not have insurance, or when the judgment exceeds its limits, it’s critical to understand collection law to ensure that everyone, including you, is paid in the end. This CLE course will present the basics of a collection... More Info

    1.22General Credits
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    What You Need to Know About New Federal Employment Laws

    On December 1st, a series of sweeping changes to federal overtime rules will come into effect. This CLE course will review the new rules and their impact from the pay raise that will result from the increase in salary threshold for overtime exemptions to the effect of raises on typically low-wage workers. The course will review the industries where the changes will have the biggest impact such as media, entertainment, advertising and hospitality, where until now even skilled workers couldn’t dep... More Info

    1General Credit
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    What Attorneys Need to Know About Reading and Understanding Financial Statements

    Like any field, businesspeople have a lingo all their own. Phrases such as NOPAT, Operating Profit, Net Income, EBITDA, retained earnings, current vs. long-term assets and liabilities, Free Cash Flow are all used regularly in the business world, but are practically a foreign language to attorneys. This CLE course will review basic financial statements, such as income statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements to help you understand the language of business so you can better re... More Info

    1.84General Credits
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    What Attorneys Need to Know About Miller Act Payment Bond Claims

    The Miller Act was designed to protect the rights of payment to prime contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers on federal construction projects. This CLE course will explain the Miller Act and how it works to secure those rights and include an explanation of: • Claimants the Act covers • Final Furnishing • Subs in privity with the prime contractor • Those not in privity with the prime contractor • Releases • Statute of limitations • Lawsuits More Info

    1General Credit
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    What Attorneys Need to Know about Comic Book Publishing: A Test Drive

    Take a deep dive into the comic book publishing industry in this two-hour crash course. Presented by experienced comic book publishing attorneys, you will learn how to draft a rough outline of critical contract provisions, develop effective and industry-tailored client interview skills, and participate in mock negotiations. The course will teach you to identify and resolve potential pitfalls within publishing contracts. This CLE course will address: · Develop client intake sk... More Info

    2.56General Credits
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    Website Terms of Use and Privacy Policies

    The always agreed to but rarely read Terms of Use or Terms of Service purport to act as a contract between a website sponsor and the user. The contract is essential to website sponsors, particularly to those where goods are sold, but are only enforceable under specific conditions. This 3 part CLE course will begin with the contractual terms that muse be included in the Terms of Use and will then briefly discuss procedures to ensure the Terms of use are effective under precedents of the federal d... More Info

    1General Credit
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    Use of Subpoenas in Arbitration and their Enforcement

    The use of subpoenas in arbitration is a developing area of the law. Included in the topics covered are: requirements for using subpoena, the International Bar Association rules on their use, limitations on who can issue a subpoena, geographic limitations, use in discovery, applicability of the Federal Arbitration Act, Revised Uniform Arbitration Act section 17 and its constitutionality, and enforcement of a subpoena in court including contempt. It is designed for attorneys litigating in arbi... More Info

    1.8General Credits
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    Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices: “I’ll Know It When I See It…”

    One of the most important regulations in the mortgage industry, UDAAP or Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices impacts every other lending regulation including marketing, fair lending, licensing and communication). It also impacts every aspect of the lending cycle. The regulation, however, is fairly subjective and difficult to defend against. This CLE course will explain how the regulation operates in practice and provide critical knowledge for lending and real estate lawyers... More Info

    1.36General Credits
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    Understanding Medicaid: Guidelines, Applications, and Recovery Processes

    This CLE program offers a comprehensive exploration of Medicaid, designed to equip attorneys with essential knowledge and skills. The course will begin by examining the history of Medicaid, providing a foundation for understanding its development and current role within the U.S. healthcare system. The presenter will then delve into the key features of Medicaid, with a particular focus on the appeals process. The program will cover the utilization of Medicaid for long-term nursing care,... More Info

    1.26General Credits
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    Understanding Interests in Oil and Gas Lands and Production

    The theory of “ownership in place” creates a unique position for the laws surrounding oil and gas companies. The theory, which stipulates that reserves can maintain their status in perpetuity, allows legal agreements, including those that are ambiguous or erroneous, to be upheld even centuries later. This CLE course will examine the creation and interpretation of oil and gas land and production interests and how some of the most common sources of ambiguity, including severance and royalties, may... More Info

    1.5General Credits
Decorative Arc

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